Pioneering RWA with Angle πŸ“

We are thrilled to share that Florence Finance and Angle.Money are joining forces to redefine the landscape of Real-World Assets (RWA) on Arbitrum.

Pioneering RWA with Angle πŸ“

We are thrilled to share that Florence Finance and Angle.Money are joining forces to redefine the landscape of Real-World Assets (RWA) on Arbitrum. This collaboration brings together two pioneering projects in the DeFi space, each with its unique strengths, to forge a path for the future of decentralized finance and real-world assets. As a European RWA platform on the hunt for a Euro stablecoin to fit our needs, agEUR by Angle stood out. It was important for us to align ourselves with a Euro Stablecoin provider that was making a significant effort to grow on Arbitrum and break into the RWA space with meaningful impact.

How are we working with Angle?

Euro-Stablecoin Integration: Florence Finance has chosen Angle's agEUR as the default asset in our Redemption Module. Recognized as the leading Euro stablecoin on Arbitrum, agEUR will provide a robust and stable foundation for our FLR backing.

1:1 Redemption: With this integration, users of the Florence Finance platform can seamlessly redeem their FLR tokens at a 1:1 ratio with agEUR that is available in the Redemption Module. This ensures complete transparency, trustworthiness, and ease of conversion for our community.

By combining Angle's mastery in stablecoin solutions with Florence's expertise in real-world assets, we aim to unlock unprecedented opportunities on Arbitrum. Our joint vision is to provide a truly decentralized, secure, and scalable solution for RWA, making it more accessible and efficient than ever before

πŸ” Why This Matters:

  • Stability & Trust: With agEUR's proven track record as a leading Euro stablecoin, users can rest assured about the stability and reliability of their assets on Florence Finance.
  • Expanding the RWA Ecosystem: This collaboration sets the stage for a broader adoption of RWA on Arbitrum, potentially attracting more institutional and traditional finance entities into the DeFi space.
  • Synergy of Expertise: Both Florence Finance and Angle bring their unique capabilities to the table. With Angle's cutting-edge stablecoin infrastructure & RWA product offering and Florence's innovative approach to integrating real-world assets into DeFi, the potential is limitless.

We look forward to working with Angle and driving RWA adoption on Arbitrum while exploring ways to grow Euro stablecoin liquidity across the broader DeFi sector.